Friday 11 September 2009

You Me At Six At The Underworld

Nights like tonight always make me feel old. Bar the industry bods milling around, there is surely no one over the age of 18 here! This ridiculously young audience is matched by the young age of the bands playing. Headliners You Me At Six have grown from the perrenial support band for every US pop punk bands to headliners in their own right. It's clear they have been paying attention to those bands as their set shows healthy doses of influence from the likes of The Audition and Fall Out Boy.

First up though are Southampton based Not Advised. They've been picking up some attention of late, but don't be fooled as the have been doing the rounds for a while and it shows in their rock solid performance and strong songs. They are only let down by their undeniable apeing of their US peers, right down to the accents. A shame as the strength of their songs holds promise.

The same argument could easily be levelled at tonights headliners, and perhaps a year ago it would have been justified. You Me At Six have grown up a lot in a year though and their songs and sound now sounds distinctly their own. As the band tear through a set mostly culled from their catchy as fuck debut album, the adoring masses lap up every second and scream back the words to every chorus. New songs such as Kiss And Tell suggest a slightly more considered sound whilst no less catchy. There is hysteria as the band drop their cover of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face" which is unsurprising, but truthfully this is a band that no longer needs to rely on covers as they now possess a strength of performance and collection of songs that should see them lay waste to the competition. I have a sneaking suspicion that they may well be the band of 2010 if they can deliver a stonking second album.

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